Management of pluvial and fluvial floods is one of the most used applications of 3Di.


To raise the awareness, 3Di is used to make realistic simulations and visualisations of what if-scenarios. For novice users, 3Di has an interactive user. This interactive interface runs on Touch Table, iPad or any other device.  Stakeholders simulate extreme events and it is even possible to identify the impact of (prevention) measures. In addition to the 3Di software, various visualization tools can be applied, because 3Di uses open data standards.


The areas of risk for pluvial and fluvial floods are well predictable. 3Di allows you to identify these areas at risk and their return periods in both urban and rural environments. These flood maps are very precise and can be used for spatial planning. In addition, more detailed spatial plans can be evaluated beforehand with respect to flood risks. Sometimes cheap and minor adjustments can have a great impact on risk reduction.


Floods can not always be prevented, but once they occur, proper communication and response measures can reduce their impact. 3Di models can be embedded in your real time Flood Early Warning Systems, using the 3Di API. 3Di not only predicts flood levels, but does also give warning messages by email or sms. During a flood the interactive 3Di interface allows you to make informed decisions with respect to evacuation and the critical spots for emergency measures.  In the aftermath of a flood, workers may be involved in a variety of response and recovery operations. The impact and duration of some of these measures can be made clear with 3Di.


Ready to start?

Are you interested in how 3Di works and how you can use it? Please use this form to request a demonstration. We will contact you to give an online demonstration and will answer all your questions.
