Stresstest water authority – Hoogheemraadschap van Rijnland
For the Dutch Delta program Spatial Design adaptation the water authority of Rijnland needed to get insight on the climate adaptation challenges.
The challenge
The challenge within this project was to get insight on high detail for a large area in a short amount of time. The required information of the water authority and 28 residing municipalities had to be collected and combined. Thanks to the setup of 3Di where it is possible to do batch calculations using the API we managed to complete this project in time.
The results were post processed using the automated post processing features of 3Di and combined in a climate atlas.
Our solution

The climate atlas gives the Rijnland Water Board the opportunity to support the partners in the management area in mapping out the climate tasks in the context of the Delta Decision on Spatial Adaptation. The maps were made on the basis of a climate-developed field calculation of flooding in urban areas with the 3Di model instruments. The flooding map shows at a resolution of 0.25 m where water at ground level2 can be seen during a heavy rain shower of 100 mm in 2 hours. The results are based on hydrodynamic 3Di ground level models of the urban areas (see also 3Di). It is derived from the recently flown in AHN3 and infiltration values are derived from the constructed land use map and soil map.
The result
For the Rijnland Water Board, the flooding and accessibility of roads for 28 municipalities has been mapped in detail and bundled in the digital Climate Atlas: By determining the bottlenecks in detail, municipalities and the water board can make their climate adaptation strategy concrete and they can also involve other parties such as residents, companies and interest groups in the problem analysis and possible solutions.
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