3Di game changer in crisis management

Over the past years we’ve participated in multiple DRIVERTrials. These trials are part of the European Crisis Management Programme, initiated to drive innovation in crisis management and to increase European resilience. Participants from 14 different countries have been testing 3Di during real life trials. The results of trial 1 are evaluated and observers, evaluators and participants judged: “3Di showed to be a potential game changer in decision making processes by limiting the number of information taken into account and prioritizing the information related to the time available for implementing response measures. It leads to shortening the decision time and through this supporting the coordination and resource management.”

Trial Poland – 3Di for Crisis Management

In 2018, during the trial in Poland, 3Di enabled crisis managers to simulate a flood in during the crisis (“warm phase”). Crisis managers used 3Di for flood modeling, giving them the opportunity to predict where and when floods were most likely to occur and allowed them to make data-informed evacuation decisions. Read the full report on the Driver+ Trial 1 results here.

Trial Netherlands – 3Di Optioneering During a Crisis 

In 2019, during the  trial in the Netherlands, 3Di was tested for its value during crises. The main questions were: How can 3Di be used to test measures? Are computations fast enough and the results clear enough to be used by crisis managers during crises?

In the trial, the crisis managers of waterboard Hoogheemraadschap Delfland used 3Di in a similar way that they aim to do during a real crisis. They used the 3Di LiveSite to live interact with their flood model and evaluate the best position for a mobile floodwall and emergency pumps to mitigate the effects of the crisis.

Also, new in this trial was the possibility to make use of the by Driver+ developed Testbed. The Testbed served as a platform to connect the solutions that participated in the Trial. 3Di results were shared with the solutions of DLR (the German Centre for crisis information from satellites), LCMS (the National Crisis Management Communication System) and an API integration was made with a 3D viewer for a better understanding of the consequences, including possible cascading effects of the flood. A very useful addition to test the added value of these connections.

Watch 3Di during Driver trial Netherlands here.
Interested in learning more about Driver+Visit www.driver-project.eu. Or read the final report.


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